Skills & Certifications



I’m a licensed and practicing California attorney. I take cases that interest me or when I have a very sympathetic client. I’m also certified to take cases to each of our federal courts.


Certified Mediator


I originally studied to become a mediator at the National Conflict Resolution Center, but I later found mentorship at JAMS. I mediate cases when I come across one with exceptional disfunction.


Real Estate Broker


I’m a licensed and practicing California real estate broker. I primarily work with developers and holdings firms to improve and sell commercial properties.


CSX Cybersecurity Expert


I’m incredibly passionate about technology and its implications in our daily lives. Understanding security has skyrocketed my IT firm’s potential to serve our clients and enhanced my understanding of what is going on in the world.


Mortgage Loan Originator


I honestly only got this license to expand my real estate knowledge. I wanted to understand, from the inside, exactly how debt is issued and what it takes to optimize leverage.


Proud Google Search Certificate Holder


Google used to have a certification program for their world-famous search. Spots were limited, but I found my way in to complete it.